Debugging Dojo Part1 : djConfig.debugAtAllCosts

More often than not, we use the dojo.require(“dependant modules”) to load various dependent modules into our pages. But when we set a debug break point in firebug & step into, we see the following code – almost a deadend since dojo uses evals for loading the modules

Dojo dead end - not able to see the code of internally loaded modules

Other alternative is to use the djconfig.debugAtAllCosts by making the following change.

Enabling debugAtAllCosts

Thus we could use this flag to make sure dojo uses dynamically inserted script tags to load the various modules.

With any facility, comes its own caveats to be beware of – debugAtAllCosts is no exception.

Kindly refer to the How DebugAtAllCosts Works for a detailed explanation on reasons related due to debugAtAllCosts can fail.

More into this my next post

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